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Individual Food donations
Some of the most nutritious food we receive comes from individual donations and community food and fund drives. You can drop off food items for donation at one of our two donation drop locations below.

¿Tienes elementos para compartir? ¡Recogemos de su porche delantero! ¡Programe una donación hoy! ¡Haga clic en el botón de abajo!
Items most needed:​
Peanut Butter
Family Sized Box Crackers
Granola Bars
Boxed Mac & Cheese
Canned Tuna or Chicken
Pasta Sauce
Canned Beans
To ensure food safety, we cannot take:
Rusty, heavily dented, or unlabeled cans
Homemade or home-canned products
Noncommercial canned or packaged items
Open or used items
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